Sunday, January 27, 2013

Go With the Flow

Saturday, January 26, 2013

There was a mix-up and another couple got our seats for the Jeep tour. The only other available Jeep had a flat tire and another one can't be obtained until Monday. We were encouraged to stay until then, but I need to get to a grocery store. We hadn't expected to stay as long as we have in this area where the nearest groceries are an hour north of here. We have also been without phone service for over a week and need to make some calls. We are looking into Skype and Viber which have been recommended by other fulltimers to use when you can't get cell reception, but have wifi.

Greg decided to ride the paved road to La Linda where the bridge still stands for the old crossing over the Rio Grande into Mexico. It is 44 miles round trip and he got a late start due to the Jeep tour mix-up. There isn't anywhere for me to walk or ride, so I would like to move on for that reason, too. I believe we will be back next winter. We have fallen in love with this desolate area. And we are enjoying the warmth! Today's high will be in the 60's, but the intense sun makes it feel warmer.

I had a nice leisurely conversation with the woman from Michigan while she was taking care of the store. Life is slower and simpler here. Left postcards for the parents under the “Mail Rock” in the store. They may go out today or Monday.

I sat outside under the picnic shelter and wrote, then researched our next move. Another cold front is due as we are ready to head north. Greg returned from biking. He didn't make it all the way to the river. He could see a long downhill for the last bit of road and wasn't sure how much farther it would be and how much climbing in addition to the 18 mile climb back to Stillwell. Decided he didn't want the additional climb back up from the river today. We spent time posting many days of blog posts and pictures and then had our Heuvos Rancheros and carrot sticks. We are now down to three carrots and two onions and no tortillas!

At 7:30 we walked over to the museum. It was darker than usual. The overcast sky was obscuring the full moon. But, the strings of Christmas lights on the front of the store and museum brightened things up. Ann and Eldon Whitford, the volunteers from Michigan were playing there. They played an hour of old country western music. Most of the small audience are staying here for the winter and so everyone knew each other. Ann played the bass fiddle and guitar, while Eldon played the guitar. Their voices harmonized well together and Eldon had some guitar skills. The only disconcerting thing was, while the singing was country twangy, the banter in between was upper Midwest!

We came back to the camper and streamed the Fringe finale and ate chocolate. All in all a satisfying evening! Tomorrow we leave for Fort Davis about 100 miles northwest of here in the Davis Mountains. We may stay in the Davis Mountains State Park campground. We have to travel back through Marathon and Alpine, so we will be able to buy groceries in Alpine. Maybe we'll get lunch again at Cow Dog. Yum!

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